Tuesday 30 August 2016

My Biggest Mistake

        Hi there! It's been a while since the last entry. Today, I would like to tell you about my biggest mistake I have ever done. Posting about your daily activities in social media was a common thing nowadays. But do we know the effect of doing that? It actually could be harmful to us especially when you are telling them your whereabouts. This actually once happen to me which is my biggest mistake to post my whereabouts. As usual, when going out especially girls they often took selfies and posted it on their social media. Well, I am one of them. I once posted my selfie and my whereabouts to social media when I am enjoying my day in an Animation Festival without knowing that there's someone who actually had been stalking me. When I was waiting at backstage, one of the Animation's Festival said that my friends wanna meet me. Without hesitation, I went out and meet him. I am so shocked to know that he wasn't my friends. He was the guy that keep on spamming me and I blocked him. It's suprising to know that he still can track me. Public post in your social media? yes my mistake. He was trying to follow me wherever I go. I don't mind if we're close but he was an acquantaince to me. For a girl, it's creepy. I told him I need to prepare for my next performance and leave him. I told the committee he wasn't my friend and if he ask about me again I told them to just ignore. Ever since that I am more cautious in every single thing I posted. 


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