Wednesday 28 September 2016



Love can define something that can make us feel greatness in our stomach or something that can break our heart into a pieces. Love can give a lot of impact on someone. Love can make everyone feel him or herself being appreciated by someone. But most of people use 'love' in a wrong way. They cheat each other. They backstab their partner easily without thinking about their partner. And unfortunately, sometimes love can make someone being cold hearted person.Although, we can't force someone to love us thus, that conclude that love is a beautiful pain.  We can't never control whenever love want to go. Love is one of the most profound emotiwe can never told us on how to felns known to human beings. There are many kinds of love, but most people seek its expression in a romantic relationship with a compatible partner. For some, romantic relationships are the most meaningful element in their lives, providing a source of deep fulfillment. The ability to have a healthy, loving relationship is not innate. A great deal of evidence suggests that the ability to form a stable relationship begins in infancy, in a child's earliest experiences with a caregiver who reliably meets the infant's needs for food, care, protection, stimulation, and social contact. Those relationships are not destiny, but they appear to establish patterns of relating to others. Failed relationships happen for many reasons, and the failure of a relationship is often a source of great psychological anguish. Most of us have to work consciously to master the skills necessary to make them flourish.

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